Friday, December 12, 2008

Relative Bradycardia Typhoid


First, the definition of disability is any restriction or loss of ability to perform an activity considered normal for a human being.
The accessibility of computer tools-in particular the web
is the ability to be able to use the tools, through the specific means by people with disabilities.
What is accessibility? A web accessible
must allow people with disabilities use the web, mean that these people can perceive, navigate and interact with it in a concrete way, and also can create, contribute to content for the web.
Accessibility for the Web includes all disabilities, including visual, physical, hearing, cognitive and neurological.
A fundamental principle of respect for accessibility is the flexibility to meet individual needs, preferences and situations.
From this principle it may benefit those who normally use the web without being handicapped in many situations (such as in a slow connection), or people with temporary disabilities (such as who has a broken arm).
Web accessibility is important because it plays a key role in education, trade, profession etc.. The web offers
people with disabilities the opportunity to interact and therefore also access to information.
Regarding the size for web accessibility concerns both sites, but also programs that create sites and tools that are used by users to access them.
There are international organizations on the subject:
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has developed standards help to define a minimum set of development methodologies to assess the accessibility and usability of the user interface for the Web .
W3C (a consortium of over 400 companies involved in creating the technical specifications for the web) definisce le tecniche e i linguaggi di programmazione attraverso cui si realizzano i siti e le applicazioni per il web.
Nel 1997 nasce l’iniziativa “il web per tutti” per cui l’iniziativa WAI (Web Acceisibility Initiative)al fine di rendere il web accessibile a tutti attraverso tecniche che garantiscono la possibilità di accedere alle informazioni anche alle persone con disabilita.
La Web Content Accesibility Guidelines (WCAG) ha la funzione di rendere i contenuti del web accessibili alle persone disabili.
Authoring Tool Accesssibility(ATCG) ha lo scopo di rendere gli strumenti di edizione accessibili (sono programmi software, usati per produrre pagine e contenuti web)alle persone con disabilita.
User Agent Accessibilità Guidelines (UAAG) sono dei software usati dagli utenti, anche disabili per interagire con il web ad esempio i browser.
I Vantaggi dell’Usabilità
Maggiore usabilità sia per i navigatori disabili
Migliora la posizione nei motori di ricerca
La pagina web funziona sui telefoni, palmari, tv..
Facilita l’accesso agli utenti con connessione lenta
Prepara il web al futuro
· Costi
· Formazione obbligatoria e complessa
· Rinuncia di molti strumenti e tecnologie


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