ETL ETL to 'initiative comes as a product in support of business systems or Intelligenge DW
We can say that ETL products is useful for managing and processing data.
The three letters are the initials English:
Extract: or extraction from source systems data necessary to support decision making
Trnsform: transforming data into information through processes verification, cleansing and enrichment, at this stage is to normalize the data, filing duplicates.
Load: uploading information in different formats.
At this point, one wonders what good is an ETL product, because you can achieve the same results without its introduction in the company?
Below is a list of the functions performed by ETL:
selection of interesting data for the system of data Standardization
Data Encryption Data Translation
data taken from two different tables
ETL Tool software developer studio
Date: develop an ideal environment for the full development and the creation of database objects, queries, etc..
SISIS Microsoft a graphical tool that you can use to create and manage Microsoft SQL packages, Integretion Service.
Oracle Data Integration Suite is a comprehensive platform for data integration that can connect disparate applications and data sources by providing accurate information, accurate and timely information at all levels of the company.
Kettel pentane data integration
ETL ETL to 'initiative comes as a product in support of business systems or Intelligenge DW
We can say that ETL products is useful for managing and processing data.
The three letters are the initials English:
Extract: or extraction from source systems data necessary to support decision making
Trnsform: transforming data into information through processes verification, cleansing and enrichment, at this stage is to normalize the data, filing duplicates.
Load: uploading information in different formats.
At this point, one wonders what good is an ETL product, because you can achieve the same results without its introduction in the company?
Below is a list of the functions performed by ETL:
selection of interesting data for the system of data Standardization
Data Encryption Data Translation
data taken from two different tables
ETL Tool software developer studio
Date: develop an ideal environment for the full development and the creation of database objects, queries, etc..
SISIS Microsoft a graphical tool that you can use to create and manage Microsoft SQL packages, Integretion Service.
Oracle Data Integration Suite is a comprehensive platform for data integration that can connect disparate applications and data sources by providing accurate information, accurate and timely information at all levels of the company.
Kettel pentane data integration
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