DataTime Reporting Solution è la soluzione reporting the most modern and powerful on the market today and is the platform of the

Date Time is a very simple to use with attractive graphics for the construction reporting documents and allows you to perform operations such as Reporting, ROLAP, Charting, Data Integration, Query Builder, ETL.
To create a new project click on "Open New Project" and connect to the database by clicking on "Connection to a Database" you can load the database of interest. With options
"Quick Reports", "Reload structure" you run the command to generate a list of tables that are contained in the database until you get to see the Select and Tables. Date Time by
So you can build reports that are nothing more than the container in which there are several elements such as charts, gauges, images, text. All of these elements will form the DataGrid, a two-dimensional representation dell'ipercubo multidimensional. DataTime also allows you to create output to cross, vertical and horizontal, with the possibility of endless Slice & Dice.
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