Spegniamo il rumore-accendiamo la Pace
28 January 2009
We are in a world where the noise of war, violence, falsehood, of deception, of shady deals, death has gripped the ears understand the music hopelessly careful of a breath or the sound of a heartbeat Baby ... Let us pause a moment. We have learned from this reality so unstable and deformed all the worst, screaming by laying the blame to each other, raising his voice, no longer respect the ideas of all, we learned about the use of arrogance masquerading as good intentions. We stopped to listen, and we turned our will with a devastating domino effect. We have allowed ourselves to become masters of the world and things, when nothing belongs to us, but everything is a shared good. So enough with the incessant noise of evil, Let's oppose this with the silence of reflection, of good feelings, a hug, mutual respect, enough with the thousand words shoot into the air as if they were smart, mothers of many bombs wrong, enough with the political nature correct too told the magazine that saved the eyes of children of all known lands, enough with the blah of those who imagine ways to build peace, which have a duration of one second and you will burn in the wind.
ignite a little light on January 28, a small lighted candle, silent and strong, and felt a real protest against the constant clamor of the world that does not listen to the cry for help dei suoi figli, troppo preoccupato com’è ad ascoltarsi. Diffondiamo silenzio e luce, come amore e coscienza del male da debellare, perché non è questione di aver ragione o torto, l’importante è restare in silenzio, fermi almeno cominciando da un attimo, imparando da coloro che non hanno colpe ma sono i più bersagliati ogni giorno, i bambini. Che spesso ci guardano sorpresi mentre ci dibattiamo e perdiamo in mille discorsi. La Pace come i loro sorrisi non fa rumore. Impariamo ad ascoltare, per non dimenticare, e per accendere una speranza futura.
Il 28 gennaio, accendiamo una luce, e con essa una speranza di più. Una piccola candela per coloro che non ci sono più, una candela contro tutte le guerre, a candle for life, for peace. In the very silence, listening to the full diversity.
Thanks to all who join!
Please spread this idea that I was born as quietly in the eye, heart, one night ... and found worthy incipit, on Facebook, (which are also there to join the group) but that should (and I appeal the sensitivity of many) to be an important moment, a stop sign and sped our time to careless at times. Everything that happens out there is a child of our actions, we are responsible. There is no conspiracy, no ulterior motives ... but the mere desire alone to induce a new awareness. For once, we remain silent e guardiamo veramente… E’ ora di crescere. La Posta in gioco vale il tentativo!
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