IV. Tips for a good sleep
1. If you do not sleep because of mood disorders, it is necessary for them curiate with the help of a specialist.
2. Do not drink tea or coffee or eat chocolate in the evening.
3. Do not sleep (too much) in the afternoon. The best time to sleep is the night, because the psycho-physical man is related to alternating light-dark.
4. Dine at least two hours before bedtime. Eat light foods.
5. Do not abuse alcohol and smoking, especially in the evening and night.
6. Avoid physical activities before bedtime.
7. Fix standard times to go to bed and wake up.
8. In the bedroom, keep a temperature of 18/20 °. Regarding the humidity, it must not be less than 50%.
9. To sleep well you have to be relaxed: a warm bath may have a calming effect.
10. Hear a little ' nice music before bed: it lowers the heart rate, respiration slows down and relaxes.
V. Foods to sleep well
Pasta, Rice, Bread, Barley Chips in bag
lettuce, red chicory, onion, garlic dishes with nut kitchen
pumpkin, turnips, cabbage, chocolate, cocoa
cheese, yogurt Coffee, Tea
boiled eggs, Curry, Pepper, Paprika
honey in hot teas, hot milk cake Spirits
Fruit Snacks Canned Sweet
Source: Coldiretti-Italian Association of Sleep Medicine
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