allora, cosa numero uno, nel test del post prima viene fuori 4100 e non 5000...fry sei ancora convinto di non avere il bug??
che poi perchè si chiami bug non lo so...cioè è come avere un insetto nel cervello, no xe beo
detto ciò, sta mattina ho fatto una superlitigata from 6.15 to 7.10 with my mom for advice class, because I told you I DO NOT WHY 'WE DO NOT WANT TO BE, in fact I told you 5 times ... okay
in each case was the Board of most beautiful part of history class, where there were all the professors, the two of us represented the class and only two parents auhauah then there was me and Baldan eavesdropping to steal speeches. then they go out and do the profs, but no one has brought the pasta? and I also thought that I had ... I'm done with advice and Sguotti Naletto who do their dicks, and the Brescia fabrizio me look bad and Franceschini says virtually nothing, we go out there and we talk to ozzy Sguotti . All this preamble to say that at the end Naletto all I've fixed the bike that I looked more like a tractor from the noise that was ...
so short, how nice but I'm happy, and it was nice to discover that all the profs I almost love me back the will to study (in fact I'm here ... I write does not make a turn)
uh uh uh ah ! the angy's birthday on Monday! that cute little angy my age! we have done a lot of things, like filling the walls of the school with his photos, Angelo made the Gem and a giant banner that we hung in five, and at night the surprise party at the home of fabrizio ... but carinaaaaaaaaa!
ok, I'm going to read voltaire auhauha I just thought of a puzzle auhauha
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