Al reato previsto Article 8 of the Legislative Decree No. 74/2000 can be seen to participate, along with the issuer, other people who had provided a conscious causal contribution in the commission of the crime, for example, employees, consultants, accountants or instigators.
Article 8. L. No 74, March 10, 2000
Issue of invoices or other documents for nonexistent transactions
1. E 'punished with imprisonment from one year and six months to six years everybody in order to allow third parties to evasion of income tax or value added tax, issue or issue invoices or other documents for nonexistent transactions.
2. For the purposes of the provisions of paragraph 1, the emission o il rilascio di piu' fatture o documenti per operazioni inesistenti nel corso del medesimo periodo di imposta si considera come un solo reato.
3. Se l'importo non rispondente al vero indicato nelle fatture o nei documenti e' inferiore a lire trecento milioni per periodo di imposta, si applica la reclusione da sei mesi a due anni